February 10, 2025

Dr. David Crawford Talks About The Important Treatments Offered By Orthopedic Surgeons

Dr. David Crawford Talks About The Important Treatments Offered By Orthopedic Surgeons

Close-up of male doctor bandaging a hand


Almost everyone over a certain age has dealt with the issues of bone, joint or muscle pain. While musculoskeletal pain and conditions tend to be more common among old people, they can ideally affect people of any age and at any time, thereby hindering their day-to-day routine. Dr.David Crawford mentions that orthopedic surgeons basically are people who can help such problems, and even severe conditions like scoliosis. They can also help people suffering from traumatic injuries and needed limb-saving surgeries. Dr. Crawford is an orthopedic surgeon affiliated with Mount Carmel St Ann’s Hospital, and is majorly based in New Albany, OH.

Dr. David Crawford mentions a few common orthopedic surgeries

Treating people of all ages, orthopedic surgeons are basically medical professionals who tend to be utterly devoted to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diverse disorders related to the muscles, ligaments, joints, and bones. Dr. David Crawford, a reputed orthopedic surgeon, earned his degree magna cum laude at Miami University and completed his medical studies at Ohio State University College of Medicine in the year of 2007. He was then inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society.

Dr. Crawford mentions that orthopedic surgeons are typically required to perform a number of important types of surgeries. Here are a few of them:

  • ACL Reconstruction Surgery: Anterior Cruciate Ligament or ACL is among the most important ligaments present in the knee. It provides stability when a person rotates their legs, and is located diagonally in front of the knees. During this surgery, the surgeons take a portion of a tendon from some other part of the body and subsequently use it as a graft for the purpose of replacing the torn ACL. Patients usually go home on the same of this surgery and follow the RICE remedy at home, which includes the elements of Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.
  • Knee Replacement Surgery: In many cases, the patients need either total or partial knee replacement surgery, depending on the severity of the injury suffered by them. Both of these surgeries happen due to any cartilage damage to the knee joints that make the movement extremely painful and restricted. It can be a result of obesity, trauma, as well as bursitis due to repetitive movements. In case of partial knee replacement, just the damaged part of the knee is replaced, while in case of a total knee replacement the entire damaged knee of the patient is removed and replaced with metal components.
  • Shoulder Replacement Surgery: Dr.David Crawford MD mentions that the surgeon usually removes the top portion of the humerus and replaces it with a metal ball in case of a shoulder replacement surgery. Humerus refers to the upper arm bone. After doing this, the surgeon tends to remove the damaged part of the socket and replaces it with a plastic prosthesis. Everything is held to the place by the rotator cuff, which refers to the tendons and ligaments in the shoulder.

There are many other types of orthopedic surgeries as well, such as hip replacement surgery and knee arthroscopy.

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